Investing in Others

This past weekend I had the opportunity to speak to women on the subject of purpose. What a great weekend it was! As I spoke and met many of the women who were in attendance, I couldn't help but hear stories that included much pain. Women who have been hurt by the church, hurt in relationships, and women who have experienced regrets for past decisions. As I listened to each story, I couldn't help but hurt for each of them. What I also realized is that there are many women who desire and long for someone that they can share life with; another female that they can be open and honest with. Women today long for lasting friendships with other women.

Based on this, let me ask you this simple question: What are you doing to invest in the lives of other women? I have no doubt that there are many women who surround you on a daily basis who long for encouragement and friendship. How can you be the hands and feet of Christ to them? Mother Teresa once said, "A day lived without doing something good for others is a day not worth living."

Here are 10 simple things you can do to impact the life of another woman:

1) Write a note of encouragement

2) Invite her out for coffee and/or lunch

3) Offer her words of praise

4) Offer to provide dinner for her family

5) Offer to watch her kids so that she can have some alone time or a date night

6) Be someone who truly listens

7) Take an interest in what she is interested in

8) Give her a book that really impacted you

9) Pray for her and with her

10) Be trustworthy

Take some time this week to really reach out to one of the women that God has placed within your path! Who knows, she could end up becoming your best friend!

Working Moms

This week I have had the opportunity to really think about being a working mom. Let me explain. A friend of mine has recently decided that instead of working, she needs to be at home with her little boy. As she and I chatted about her decision, I couldn't help but to begin feeling a sense of guilt. Anyone that knows me, knows that not only do I love and cherish my little boy to pieces, but at the same time, I'm a very driven individual who is passionate about what she does vocationally. It's in my blood!

So, as I've been thinking about this, I've also been thinking about the many working moms who either work because they need that income or because they just truly enjoy their vocation. As I've pondered the many different points of view when it comes to working moms, I figured I'd ask you-my readers what you think. So, here are some questions that I would LOVE for you to comment on.

Everyone who comments on the following questions, will be placed in a drawing for a great prize-Katie Brazelton's book, Pathway to Purpose. If you want guidance on discovering your purpose-this is the book to read! Ok, here we go:

1) If you are a working mom, have you ever felt guilty for being a working mom? Where has that guilt come from? How do you work through the guilt?

2) Do you work because you need the income, or do you choose to work because you love what you do and feel called to your vocation?

3) How do you juggle being a working mom with all the other responsibilities that come with life?

4) If you are a stay at home mom, what was it (besides having a baby) that led you to be a stay at home mom? Husband? Family? Calling?

5) What is your impression of the Proverbs 31 passage in the Bible? What does that passage mean to you?

Ok, I hope to read many responses! Have fun answering!

Purposeful Women

Today I had the opportunity to take a group of high school leadership students to meet and learn from John Bozard, the President of Orlando Health and VP of Arnold Palmer and Winnie Palmer Hospitals. What an incredible opportunity this was for our students!

As we listened to John Bozard and some of the executives from the hospitals, I couldn't help but get excited for our students as they learned some essential truths. Let me share with you these truths that you can incorporate into your life.

According to John and the executives, when they are looking to hire someone, there are four specific characteristics that they look for in individuals:

1) Integrity: They want someone who is who they say they are.

2) Vision: They want someone who is not only committed to the vision of the organization, but also who has a vision-someone who can think beyond today.

3) Someone who has the right priorities: Basically, someone who can balance the different parts of his/her life.

4) Someone who has a personal sense of security: Someone who knows who they are, where they are going, and who has a desire to serve others.

As these characteristics were discussed, I couldn't help but think about how as women, these are characteristics that we should be striving for in our daily lives. We must continually ask ourselves:

* Who are we?

* How do others see us?

* Are we impacting this world in a positive or negative way?

* Are we women of integrity who have a vision-God's vision?

* Do we know what our priorities should be and do we know who we belong to?

As these leaders continued to share with our students, one of them made a statement that I was so happy to hear. It's something I continually strive to get across to both students and adults:

"Your job should not be a job that you just clock in and out of on a daily basis-it has to be a part of your life. It should be your passion-it's a calling. You should wake up each morning saying, this is what I get to do and in turn, be excited about it."

I LOVE THIS! If you have ever heard me speak, you have heard me say that God never intended us to wake up each morning dreading the day before us. God wants us to enjoy our lives and in turn, He desire that we use the gifts, skills, and strengths that He has given us. He gave us those for a reason. The reason we are passionate about certain things is because He desires nothing more than for us to use that passion to impact this world for Him. God never wanted us to separate our spiritual life from our vocational calling-the two must come together.

So, let me ask you:

* Do you wake up each morning saying, "Wow, I get to do this for my job and I love it!"

* Do you feel as though your job is a part of the calling that God has on your life?

* Are you passionate about what you do?

* Would you be willing to do what you do even if you didn't get a paycheck for it?

Spend some time pondering and journaling about this. Spend some quality time really observing your life and asking yourself whether or not you are a woman of integrity and vision, a woman who had her priorities straight, a woman who has a personal sense of security.

Then, really think about your job. Are you passionate about it? Do you view it as a calling? I have no doubt that when we begin to realize and truly believe that God has a purpose for our lives, in turn, we will begin to live as women of purpose!

Enjoy the journey of self discovery!
