Life Coaching or Life Purpose Coaching?

"Will Smith says that despite his huge successes, he still wakes up some mornings questioning his purpose in life. 'I just think that the gifts that God has given me and the attention that I have, I just don't feel like acting is the limit of it,' Will says. 'I just feel like there's so much more that I could do…'" (Oprah, 2007)
"Americans are growing increasingly unhappy with their jobs. The decline in job satisfaction has occurred over a period of two decades, with little to suggest a significant reversal in attitudes anytime soon. Today, less than half of all Americans say they are satisfied with their jobs, down from 61 percent twenty years
ago" (The Conference Board, 2007).

Does any of this surprise you? Will Smith, an extremely famous and wealthy actor states that even though he is very successful, he still wakes up questioning his purpose in life. Here's a man that can have and does have anything and everything his heart desires, but yet, he still wakes up wondering if there is more to life.

Then we read that less than half of all Americans are satisfied with their jobs. What this tells me is that more and more people dread Monday mornings and in turn, are living lives that have no passion, fulfillment, nor purpose.

I know that beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Lord never intended for us to live lives that have no purpose and the He never meant for us to wake up dreading the day before us. If He never meant this, then why do we feel this way?

The answer is this-we have failed to truly recognize how the Lord has created us and in turn, we have failed to spend time seeking out what our gifts, talents, skills, and passions are. In our fast paced world today, most of us are lucky to find 5-minutes of quietness within our day, let alone finding time to focus on how we have been created. If we want to live lives filled with passion and fulfillment, we must be willing to take the time to not only realize how the Lord has created us but to also spend time in growing and knowing him more intimately. Life Purpose Coaching can and will assist you in these two areas.

Why should someone seek out Life Purpose Coaching before Life Coaching? The answer is simple-in order to live a life of balance, it's vital to first know who you have been created to be, what your gifts, talents, and skills are, and in turn, realize what it is that you are passionate about so that you can live out that purpose that the Lord has specifically created you for. Once you realize your purpose, it is then that a Life Coach can assist you in living a balanced life and in turn, assist you in those other areas that you feel you may need encouragement and guidance.

Believe it or not, many people hire Life Purpose Coaches and Life Coaches to assist them in living the life they were created to live. Oprah Winfrey has a life coach that assists her in various aspects of her life. Here's a woman who once again, has it all by the world's standards, but yet, she seeks out the guidance and assistance of a life coach.

Look at it this way-many people hire coaches to help them in the following ways:
* Sports
* Dancing
* Speaking
* Voice
* Acting
* Music

While hiring someone to help you improve in these areas is important, isn't living a life of purpose as important, if not more? Let me encourage you to think about who you believe the Lord has created you to be and in turn, to truly ask yourself if you are living out the purpose that He has created you for. My hope and prayer is that you would live out your life being all that the Lord has created you to be and that in turn, when Monday comes along, you wake up ready to face the day!

Links for more information:,0,7518336.story

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About the Author: Jennifer M. Bennett, MACE, LPC, LPF is trained and certified as a Life Purpose Coach® and a 2-Day Life Plan Facilitator to women of all ages. Jennifer assist’s women in identifying and embracing their unique, God-given purpose utilizing the Pathway to Purpose process. As a Life Purpose Coach®, Jennifer will assist you in gaining a clearer understanding and vision of your passions and what God's purpose is for your life. As a 2-day Life Plan Facilitator Jennifer will take you through a series of sequential exercises intended to help you discover your uniqueness, how God has been present in your life, and the creation of a personal action plan outlining specific steps to take immediately in response to new insights. Jennifer has had a variety of experiences working in ministry and is currently studying for her Doctorate in Instructional Leadership.

Contact Information:
Total Life Counseling (407) 248-0030

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