Who are you Becoming?

Nothing excites me more than a great novel. I love cuddling up on the couch under a blanket with candles blazing all around me and a great book in hand.

In addition to being a Life Purpose Coach, I also work as a full-time high school English teacher. My favorite part of the job is reading great novels with my students. Currently, my 12th graders are reading "Pride and Prejudice". If you have never read this book, let me encourage you to do so. There's just something about the the way Jane Austen takes a hold of your emotions and in turn, draws you into the life of the characters.

My second favorite "activity" is watching the movie versions of novels. Not only does the book come to life, but it also allows you to see the many differences between the two. Tonight, I was finally able to watch the new release, "Becoming Jane". This movie is based on the life of Jane Austen. While we don't know a lot about Austen, research has shown that many of her writings paralleled her true existance. As I watched the movie, I couldn't help but notice that Austen experienced many of the things that we as women face in our lifetime. Here are some of the similarities:

* Austen desired to find her one true love
* Parents and society had their own thoughts on how they felt Austen should live her life
* Many people within her society felt that money was the answer and in turn, would bring happiness
* Austen had dreams of writing, but yet she had those "dream killers" in her life who felt that those dreams were a waste of time
* Austen dealt with rejection
* Austen dealt with doubt
* Austen questioned what her purpose was

As I sat on my couch watching this movie, I couldn't help but focus in on the title, "Becoming Jane". This movie clearly portrays Jane Austen becoming who she was created to be. As I continued watching, I kept asking myself, "Jen, who are you becoming?" As I look back on my life and the many experiences I have lived through, whether good or bad, I can't help but see the hand of God guiding and leading me into becoming the person He has created me to be. He has always led me onto the path that He desired me to be on. He has always had a plan for me. He is good.

So, with these thoughts, I can't help but ask you, who are you becoming? If there was a movie written about your life and who it is that you became, what would the movie portray?

Take some time to think about this and journal your thoughts. If you get a free moment, feel free to leave a comment and let me know who it is that you are becoming.



Melody said...

Who am I becoming? It is my desire to become a woman of God who loves Him and trusts Him more than anything that this world has to offer. My life journey has looked so different from what I would have thought it would be. He has taken me to a place where desperation for Him and dependence on Him are not an option. And despite the hardship I've gone through to get to this point, I am thankful for it. I would not want to be anywhere else.

Jennifer Bennett, MACE, LPC, LPF said...


It's so good to hear from you! I pray that the Lord is blessing you and your family like crazy! We sure do miss you and Randy at the Crossing!

Your post is such an encouragement. I think many of us could probably say that our lives have turned out differently than what we had originally planned. But yet, the Lord has always proven Himself to be faithful!

Thanks so much for sharing! I hope to hear more from you soon!
