Make 2010 Different!

10 Simple Steps to Begin Living a Life of Purpose!

Be Still-Make it a priority to spend time with your Maker on a daily basis; be still and know that He is God. The more time you spend with Him and the more time you spend getting to know Him, the more He gives you. Make Him a priority and in turn, He will begin showing you how He wants to specifically use you and how He has uniquely created you!

Love God, Love others-Give God everything you have. Love Him like you’ve never loved Him before. Love others. Be a servant leader. Take time each day to love on those that the Lord has surrounded you with. When you love God and others, God pours out an abundance of blessings upon you!

Be You-Be yourself; be the person that God has created you to be. Don’t compare yourself to others and what it is that God is doing in their life, be you. God has created you with specific gifts, skills, and talents. Allow Him to begin showing you your uniqueness. When you spend time comparing yourself to others, you miss out on who God has created YOU to be!

Learn to say no-So many times we allow ourselves to do everything, which in turn, causes us to be tired, moody, and exhausted. Before saying yes to anything, give it over to God and ask Him if this is something that He would have you be a part of. If you ask, He will answer.

Simplify-Simplify your life. If you have a cluttered house and/or office, not only will you be stressed, but you will fail to create an environment that inspires you to be who God has created you to be.

Be Inspired-Make your home and/or place of employment a place of inspiration. Surround yourself with those things that inspire you to not only spend time with God, but also those things that inspire you to dream, set goals, and pursue your passions. Display words of encouragement around you, light candles, keep your journal nearby, and display fresh flowers throughout the house. Allow yourself to be inspired!

Make Connections-Surround yourself with positive people. Allow yourself to connect with those people who not only inspire you, but people who will cause you to grow emotionally, academically, and spiritually. Surround yourself with people who will hold you accountable in regards to your goals and what it is that you hope to accomplish.

Do Something Different- Allow yourself to take a step and get out of your comfort zone. Attend a meeting, sign up for a college course, attend a writer’s conference, invite someone to dinner, etc. Do whatever it takes to allow yourself to get out of your comfort zone.

Write, Write, and Write-Take time each day to write your thoughts, dreams, goals, hopes, passions, etc. Not only will you be inspired, but you will also begin discovering YOU!

Visit Jen’s Blog-Be sure to check-out Jen’s blog on a daily basis. Many times you will find questions that will help you discover who you are, what you are dreaming about, and what it is that is holding you back!

Jennifer Bennett
Life Purpose Coach, Life Plan Facilitator, Educator, Writer, Speaker

All rights Reserved, Copyright by Jennifer Bennett, 2007

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