Focus on Today

What are you focusing on today?
• Negativity
• What you don’t have
• Past hurts
• Failures
• Rejection
• Happier Times
• What could have been
• The future

I don’t know about you, but this “step” in the journey of life gets me off centered at times. Let me explain. I tend to be one of those people who not only thinks about the “good ol’ days” (aka college, seminary, being a youth minister, etc.), but I also tend to consistently think about the future and what I hope for, what I think God will do in my life, etc. In all of this thinking about the past and future, many times, I fail to recognize what God is doing in my life right now, in the here and now.

I wonder how many of us are in this same situation. We want so much to go back in time or to see what it is that God will do in our lives, that we completely miss out on the small still voice of God that is saying, “Look! See what I am doing in your life right now! I’m here guiding your every step. Enjoy where I have you.”

One prime example in my own life was when I was attending Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. As I was studying for my Master’s in ministry, all I could think about was how God was going to use me in full-time ministry. At the time, I was a nanny to five WONDERFUL kids (who by the way, I still keep in touch with). While I LOVED and adored these kids, I couldn’t help but consistently feel as though my life didn’t matter. I would always question what God was doing in my life. He would hear from me quite often-“Lord, here I am studying to be in ministry full-time and all you have me doing is changing diapers, running errands, folding laundry, and cleaning. What kind of ministry is this?” Little did I know that God was using me in ministry in more ways that I could have ever of imagined. This became crystal clear to me when God opened the door for me to work in youth ministry full-time. Once I was settled into my new ministry, I received an essay that one of the children had written about me for her English class. The essay explained the impact that I had on her during my time as a nanny. It was then that I realized God was truly using me in ministry. Unfortunately, I was too focused on what I wanted for the future that I failed miserably to see how God was using me at that time.

Maybe you are not focusing on what the future has for you, but instead, are focusing on past hurts. This is just as detrimental as someone who consistently focuses on the future and what might or might not happen. This is another area of my life that I struggled with.

When I was in youth ministry full-time, I was extremely hurt by a church. It pains me to still think about it today. Not only did I not receive the support that I desperately needed, but I was talked about and made to feel as though nothing I did or said was good enough. What’s even worse, this all took place right as my husband and I were getting married. Not a great way to start off a marriage. Unfortunately, I ended up leaving the church because nothing was going to change. Can I tell you that it took me nearly three years to work through this hurt and forgive those who hurt me? During those three years, I really questioned what God was doing in my life. I would ask God, “Lord, what are you doing? I went to seminary because I really felt that you were calling me to full-time ministry and here I am just trying to lead youth to your heart and in turn, I get nothing but hurt and pain from the people of your church. What are you doing?” I spent many days and nights focusing on my hurt and rejection and because of that, I was missing out on the new thing that God was doing in my life.

I say all of this because you do not want to do the same thing! Don’t waste your life by thinking about what has happened or what can happen! Focus on Today! Focus on what God is doing in your life right now. Maybe you are going through a hard time at this point in your life and you have no clue how there could be any good in what is currently taking place. Hang in there-God knows what is taking place and in turn, He hears your cries, prayers, and moans. Always remember that while we don’t see the big picture, God does.

Maybe you are focusing on how great things were in the past. If you are, stop doing that! Thank God for those great days and in turn, ask Him to show you the good in today. If you ask, He will show you. Maybe you are spending a lot of time focusing on what you hope for in the future. While it’s not bad to set goals and have dreams and aspirations, don’t allow those thoughts to not only become your idol, but to rob you of what God is doing in your life today! Focus on today!

So, I leave you with the same question I started with, what are you focusing on today? Ask God to show you the good in today and what He is doing in your life right now. Don’t allow yourself to miss out on the beauty of today!
Until next time!

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