Rambling Thoughts

It's been a busy week for me. As many of you are aware, this past Tuesday, Haiti experienced a devastating earthquake. My heart is truly saddened for the people of Haiti. As I watch the numerous news stories, my heart can't help but break. Seeing everyone living on the streets hungry for food, babies not having formula that they so desperately need, people trapped under buildings, etc-I just can't help but to truly hurt for each and every individual.

As the news has developed, I have to admit, I've never felt so hurt for a country and group of people. What this means-I don't know. I'm desperately trying to figure it out. Is Haiti a country that the Lord will allow me to minister to in the future? Who knows. All I do know is that for now, I can pray and in turn, donate as much as I can to help a broken country.

What's even more interesting is that the school I work for had a group of students there on a mission trip during all of this. They left last Friday and bam, the earthquake hit on Tuesday. All week I have been praying for these kids for not only their safety, but also that God would do a mighty work through them. I can't imagine what it was like to be in a country without your family and to all of a sudden experience an earthquake that has literally killed thousands of people all around you.

All I can say is that God WAS SO GOOD! Everyone on our team was safe and in turn, they were able to minister to those people around them. What excites me even more is that these students came back much closer to God and in turn, have a strong desire to go back to Haiti to continue ministering to the people. Oh how that makes my heart jump for joy. Nothing makes me happier than seeing teenagers living their lives for Christ and in turn, allowing God to use them. These kids came back with a fire and I pray that they would impact FA in some mighty ways! I pray that students all around will realize what a huge difference they can make for Christ in our world. Ultimately, I pray that they will help bring thousands upon thousands of lives to Christ because life is truly found in Jesus Christ.

I know so many people who do not know Christ and my heart breaks for them too because I know what they are missing out on. I have both family and friends who want nothing to do with Christ and it truly saddens me. When you are just so in love with someone, you desire nothing more than to shout it to the world. I am in love with Jesus Christ and I want nothing more than for people to realize that Jesus Christ does exist and that if we would just turn our lives over to Him, He in turn will love us like we have never been loved before. Our purpose in life can only be found in Jesus. True Joy only comes from our creator.

As I sign-off, I pray that not only the people of Haiti would turn their faces to their creator, but that the people of America would realize how blessed we are and that we too would turn our faces to God. He promises us that if we would turn from our evil ways and look to Him, He will heal our land. I pray that the lost would come to know Him and those that have turned their backs on Him, would come running back into His arms. He's been patiently waiting.

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