Investing in Others

This past weekend I had the opportunity to speak to women on the subject of purpose. What a great weekend it was! As I spoke and met many of the women who were in attendance, I couldn't help but hear stories that included much pain. Women who have been hurt by the church, hurt in relationships, and women who have experienced regrets for past decisions. As I listened to each story, I couldn't help but hurt for each of them. What I also realized is that there are many women who desire and long for someone that they can share life with; another female that they can be open and honest with. Women today long for lasting friendships with other women.

Based on this, let me ask you this simple question: What are you doing to invest in the lives of other women? I have no doubt that there are many women who surround you on a daily basis who long for encouragement and friendship. How can you be the hands and feet of Christ to them? Mother Teresa once said, "A day lived without doing something good for others is a day not worth living."

Here are 10 simple things you can do to impact the life of another woman:

1) Write a note of encouragement

2) Invite her out for coffee and/or lunch

3) Offer her words of praise

4) Offer to provide dinner for her family

5) Offer to watch her kids so that she can have some alone time or a date night

6) Be someone who truly listens

7) Take an interest in what she is interested in

8) Give her a book that really impacted you

9) Pray for her and with her

10) Be trustworthy

Take some time this week to really reach out to one of the women that God has placed within your path! Who knows, she could end up becoming your best friend!

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