Working Moms

This week I have had the opportunity to really think about being a working mom. Let me explain. A friend of mine has recently decided that instead of working, she needs to be at home with her little boy. As she and I chatted about her decision, I couldn't help but to begin feeling a sense of guilt. Anyone that knows me, knows that not only do I love and cherish my little boy to pieces, but at the same time, I'm a very driven individual who is passionate about what she does vocationally. It's in my blood!

So, as I've been thinking about this, I've also been thinking about the many working moms who either work because they need that income or because they just truly enjoy their vocation. As I've pondered the many different points of view when it comes to working moms, I figured I'd ask you-my readers what you think. So, here are some questions that I would LOVE for you to comment on.

Everyone who comments on the following questions, will be placed in a drawing for a great prize-Katie Brazelton's book, Pathway to Purpose. If you want guidance on discovering your purpose-this is the book to read! Ok, here we go:

1) If you are a working mom, have you ever felt guilty for being a working mom? Where has that guilt come from? How do you work through the guilt?

2) Do you work because you need the income, or do you choose to work because you love what you do and feel called to your vocation?

3) How do you juggle being a working mom with all the other responsibilities that come with life?

4) If you are a stay at home mom, what was it (besides having a baby) that led you to be a stay at home mom? Husband? Family? Calling?

5) What is your impression of the Proverbs 31 passage in the Bible? What does that passage mean to you?

Ok, I hope to read many responses! Have fun answering!


Anonymous said...

1) I am not a working mom, but would definitly feel a little guilt being away from my child or children. The guilt would come from a basic maternal bond with my child which no care taker or family member caring for a child can substitute. No one can give the specific gifts a mother bestows on a child, emotionally and educationally.

2)I think this world has made work a necessity we are no longer driven by love of work, but more by $$. I am fortunate I have loved my jobs and feel a deep sense of resposibility to my works. However I feel no job is more important than my childs welfare. I have a resposibility to my God and Family, work is a necessity.

3)Depending on circumstance it could prove easy, for example if your family or mother care for your child then the expense of child care goes out the window, does your spouse work do you have a spouse, do you cook or have your meals prepared. All these factors play a roll, I am a parent of three with no care taker and limited family help.

4)Most stay at home Moms are those who have the need to stay home due to financial burdens multiple child day care can really get expensive for full day, exceeding 600 a child per month in South Florida. With one child and a willing family one child can be easily managed.

5)As For The Passage, I Believe It Is Self Explanatory And Basically Means To Me Simply "Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." amd we all know what city that is...


Jennifer Bennett, MACE, LPC, LPF said...

SLG-Thanks so much for your comment! I love nothing more than hearing the thoughts of others!

Thanks again for commenting-I look forward to more comments from you the next time around!

PS-Katherine has won the drawing. More posts on my Facebook Page! Stay tuned for more giveaways!

Judy said...

Can you please direct me to your FB page?

thank you.

Jennifer Bennett, MACE, LPC, LPF said...

Hello Judy!

Feel free to check out my fan page on Facebook. All you need to do is type in my web address and it should pop up:
