Finding your Purpose

"To find your purpose in life is the most amazing feeling and this is it."-Lisa Salem, Adoptive Parent

This past week I had the opportunity (and free time) to watch Dateline which showcased the story of an American Family that decided to adopt 6 Russian siblings who were in dire need of a home. As you read above, this mother knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she had found her purpose; to adopt and care for 6 siblings who needed a home and family that would not only take care of them, but love them like they had never been loved before. And as she states, "Finding your purpose in life is the most amazing feeling" that one can experience.

I want to encourage you to read the story and then come back and take a look at my thoughts:

Jen's Thoughts:

1. "They are two regular people in an average suburb in America". I love how this story begins. This sticks out to me so much because here you have "two regular people in an average suburb" doing an amazing thing. So often, this is how God works. So many times we tend to think that there is nothing special about us, that we are just regular people and in turn, question and wonder what God could possibly do with us. Here is a prime example of a regular couple doing an extraordinary thing! God can do the same with you!

2. "We decided that there were more children in the world than there were parents. And that we could do something." This sounds to me like these parents had a passion within them that was coming to the surface at just the right time. They saw a need and went after it. So many times, that's how God works within us. He shows us where there is a need and in turn, asks us to join Him in making a difference.

3. "You just go where you’re meant to be. We were supposed to be in Russia." When God calls you to something or somewhere, He will let you know beyond a shadow of a doubt and in turn, you end up just going because you know that is where you are meant to be. There's a peace that passes all understanding and because of that peace, you go knowing that you were called to go. There's no wondering, worrying, or questioning. You just know.

4. "We did have doctors, three in the United States, who told us not to adopt them. That they would have cerebral palsy. That they would have brain damage. That they would never be whole." If you are following after what it is that God calls you to, there will always be people within your life that you will tell you not to do it or not to go. They will try to discourage you from going after that Purpose that God has specifically called you to. But once again, when you know what you have specifically been called to, you will just go because you were meant to go and you will be who it is that God has called you to be. And in regards to the children having cerebral palsy, etc.-the kids are living normal healthy lives today!

5. "But the Salems refused to be discouraged and five months later, in Jan. 1999, video camera in hand, they arrived in Moscow, boarded a train and rode mile after mile before they could meet their babies." Do not be discouraged. If God has called you, He will provide for your every need. Just keep walking on that path that He has called you to walk and He will bless you beyond measure.

6. "There were months of constant feeding, sleepless nights tending to terribly weak, feverish babies." Following after what God has called you to will be work-hard work, but within that hard work, you will have a peace because once again, you will know what you are doing is what you have been called to do and created to do.

7. "And as they set off on their long journey, they were excited, but had fears, as well-fear about the future." When God calls you to something, you will most likely experience a variety of emotions, including fear. The reason being-when God calls you to something, most likely it's not something you can accomplish on your own-instead, it's going to require you to trust him fully so that in turn, He can get all of the glory.

8. "Hythem (the father) is an engineer, earning $64,000 a year. Lisa works part time at home. Supporting a family of four, is one thing, but traveling to Russia... and if the adoption went through, doubling the size of their family. Lisa: I don’t know how we’ll get through it. We seem to be living every day by the seat of our pants, but you can’t put a price on this." So many times we allow things like money and time to keep us from going after what we know God has called us to, when the reality is that if God has called you to something, He will provide for your every need. You may not see the whole picture right now, but He does and He will take care of you and your family. You just have to trust.

9. "Here’s what they were coming home to: A $55,000 addition to the home. Every penny, every hour of labor donated by a local developer. New bedrooms, a bathroom, furniture… all of it a gift, from people who wanted to help." This is exactly how God works. If He calls, He provides. He just wants you to trust Him with every fiber of your being and when you do, He will bless your socks off, more than you could have ever of imagined!

10. What's God calling you to? Are you ready to embark on an adventure of life that you never thought was possible? Be who God has created you to be. Do what He has called you to do. When you do, you'll be soon saying others, "To find your purpose in life is the most amazing feeling and this is it."

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About the Author: Jennifer M. Bennett, MACE, LPC, LPF is trained and certified as a Life Purpose Coach® and a 2-Day Life Plan Facilitator to women of all ages. Jennifer assist’s women in identifying and embracing their unique, God-given purpose utilizing the Pathway to Purpose process. As a Life Purpose Coach®, Jennifer will assist you in gaining a clearer understanding and vision of your passions and what God's purpose is for your life. As a 2-day Life Plan Facilitator Jennifer will take you through a series of sequential exercises intended to help you discover your uniqueness, how God has been present in your life, and the creation of a personal action plan outlining specific steps to take immediately in response to new insights. Jennifer has had a variety of experiences working in ministry and is currently studying for her Doctorate in Instructional Leadership.

Contact Information:
Total Life Counseling (407) 248-0030

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