Life Purpose Coaching for Teenagers

Ahhh, summer time! I must admit-I do enjoy my summers. While I love teaching and working with students, I also love having time to myself! Thus far this summer, I have had the opportunity to really think about teenagers and the many questions and concerns they have when it comes to their future.

This past school year I had the opportunity to sit and chat with one of my 11th grade students who had many questions about her future. She spent a few minutes with me discussing her confusion as to what college she should attend, what she should study in college, etc. She knew she had a heart for students, but she had no idea as to how to use that passion, that desire in the "real world". Like many students today, she was confused as to what direction she should go in along with confused as to who she really was.

This is not uncommon. This past school year I had the opportunity to teach and work with the 12th graders of the school. When I tried to discuss with them what their plans were for the future, many of them had no clue. When their names and information were listed on the school hallway (as the graduating class of 2007) for all to see, many of them had listed that they were undecided as to what they would study in college. Once again, this is common.

As a teacher and Life Purpose Coach, I feel that it is imperative that when students graduate high school, they have a pretty good understanding of not only what their passions, gifts, skills, and talents are, but also, who it is that God has uniquely created them to be. Thus, the reason for Life Purpose Coaching for Teenagers! Wouldn't it be nice to send your child off to college knowing that they know that the direction they have chosen to walk in is one that has been discovered through a process of truly identifying what their gifted at and what it is that they are truly passionate about. Wouldn't it be nice to send your child to college knowing that within the first year, they will not be changing their major about 10 times. This is what Life Purpose Coaching for Teenagers is all about.

Here are some of the topics that this process will include:

* Identification of talents

* Exploring of spiritual gifts

* Recognizing personality type

* Understanding values

* Discovering passions

* And anything else your teenager may have questions about (college, money, etc.)

If you have a teenager that you feel would benefit from Life Purpose Coaching, contact me today and I will be happy to answer any questions or concerns that you may have!

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About the Author: Jennifer M. Bennett, MACE, LPC, LPF is trained and certified as a Life Purpose Coach® and a 2-Day Life Plan Facilitator to women of all ages. Jennifer assist’s women in identifying and embracing their unique, God-given purpose utilizing the Pathway to Purpose process. As a Life Purpose Coach®, Jennifer will assist you in gaining a clearer understanding and vision of your passions and what God's purpose is for your life. As a 2-day Life Plan Facilitator Jennifer will take you through a series of sequential exercises intended to help you discover your uniqueness, how God has been present in your life, and the creation of a personal action plan outlining specific steps to take immediately in response to new insights. Jennifer has had a variety of experiences working in ministry and is currently studying for her Doctorate in Instructional Leadership.

Contact Information:
Total Life Counseling (407) 248-0030

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