The Adventure Continues

The end of the school year always catches up with me! I just can't seem to grasp that the school year is practically done.

At this time, I am in Gatlinburg, Tennessee with the seniors from my school. We have had a wonderful time here, but let me tell you, the trip here was eventful to say the least. Let me just rattle off some of the things that have taken place:

* Bus broke down on our way to Tennessee on Wed. We were stuck at a Steak-n-Shake truck stop for like 5 hours.

* When we finally were on the road again, the bus was pulled over by a cop because the tail lights were not on.

* About 2 hours from the hotel in Georgia that we were supposed to stay at, traffic came to a complete stop due to an accident.

* We ended up having to make new reservations at a hotel that let's just say, would not be my first choice.

* Thursday, we finally make it to Tennessee. As we climbed the mountain in this charter bus, the bus gets stuck and ends up having to be towed down the mountain. Kids and chaperones had to "climb" the mountain with luggage and groceries in hand. Thankfully, cops arrived and the Chief of police helped us lug our luggage up the mountain in the his car.

* Because the bus could not make it up the mountain and because it ended up costing the bus company $1200 to tow the bus back down, needless to say, we had to figure out how we could get kids up and down the mountain each day since we would have no transportation. My husband and I ended up renting a car because that was our only option.

* The cabin we are staying at is BEAUTIFUL! But, to go along with our eventful trip, the oven does not work properly and last night when the boys were getting ready to grill out for everyone, we noticed that the grill did not work.

So as you can see, we have had an eventful trip. Have you ever experienced anything like this? All I can say is, sometimes life throws things at you that you were not expecting. When things like this take place, always remember that God has everything under control and eventually, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes when God calls us to something, the "trip" there is not always the easiest. But we can rest assured that if God has called us, He promises to provide for our every need. Despite everything we've been through with this trip, God has provided for our every need. He is faithful!

Until next time!

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