The Unexpected

How do you react when the unexpected occurs? Do you tend to worry, fret, and/or stress? Or, do you tend to take things as they come knowing full well that God has everything under control?

Case in point-I've had some "unexpected" things come up this week. Let me explain. For the past couple of weeks I have been experiencing some tooth pain. Well, when I went to the dentist, they noticed a cyst around a few of my teeth. To make a long story short, I am scheduled for a root canal next week along with with oral surgery in order to remove the cyst and the "extra" tooth I've had (that is not visible) since I was a little girl. Apparently, this extra tooth is harboring the cyst and may have very well of caused the cyst.

To be honest, I worried a bit and still am catching myself worrying. First off, I have no tolerance for pain and secondly, I'm just a big wimp. I tend to be one of those people who worry and become fearful about the worst case scenario. Lastly, even though I have insurance, it's not the best insurance, so it looks like my husband and I will be paying quite a bit out of pocket. There goes our plans for using the extra money we were expecting to pay down our car. Talk about dealing with the unexpected.

It's quite evident that the Lord is teaching me to rely on Him even when I have no clue how things are going to turn out. He's teaching me to trust Him when I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am incapable of not worrying, being fearful, and basically, having no tolerance for pain. He's teaching me to allow Him to have complete trust and to basically, trust Him for my well being. Again, how do you react when the unexpected takes place in your life?

On another note, one of my students had the unexpected take place for her just recently. If you remember, about a week ago, I had one of my students blog as the guest blogger on this blog (talk about using the word blog a million times). Well, little did we know that a few days later, I would get an email from the admissions office at Berry College (the college she will be attending in the fall) asking me who the student was that blogged on my blog. Little did we know, that once they received the name of my student, they in turn would offer her the opportunity to work in the admissions office as a freshman in the fall. Totally unexpected! Needless to say, both Christine and I were thrilled! What an absolute wonderful opportunity Christine will have to gain experience and work within the admissions office at Berry College throughout her college years.

As all of this took place, it just once again reminded me how vital it is to trust God in everything-the good and the bad. You just never know when God is going to show up with some great unexpected news, as in Christine's case. Or, as in my case, the not so great unexpected news that has shown up, but yet, God's peace that passes all understanding is teaching me to rely solely on Him. It's causing me to grow as a person and to grow in my understanding of Him.

What unexpected things are occurring in your life today? What is it that God is trying to teach you? Rest assured, God knows what's He's doing-remember, He's in control!

Until next time,


PS-Do you think if I leave my "extra" tooth under my pillow after the surgery, the tooth fairy might send me some money to pay for it? :)

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