Be a Life Long Learner

So far, we have examined four of the twenty-six steps (Trust, Focus on Today, Forgive, Love Others) each of us must consider and implement into our lives in order to become the best that we can be-namely, women of purpose. When we started this journey, I posed three questions that I really wanted you to consider. As you continue to go through each of the steps, always be mindful of these questions:

1) Who are you becoming?
2) What Legacy will you leave behind?
3) Are you blooming in such a way that people are naturally drawn to you and who you are?

The fifth step is probably one of my favorite steps of all time-Be a Life Long Learner. How are you doing in this area? What was the last thing you learned? In order to become women of purpose who live lives that Glorify God, we must be willing to learn on a daily basis. Let me share with you 8 steps to that will help you in this endeavor:

1) Always have a book with you.
What was the last book you read? What did you learn from it? Reading books are probably one of the best ways to not only grow as an individual, but also a great way to challenge yourself. You should make it a priority to read for at least 15-minutes a day. Always have a book on you. Anyone that has seen my “purse” will tell you that I usually have 2-3 books in it. I take books with me everywhere because you never know when you will have the opportunity to read. Just yesterday as I was getting my pedicure, I spent that time reading. Always have a book with you!

2) Surround yourself with people you can learn from.
What people do you surround yourself with? Are they people that you can learn from? Or are they people who tend to encourage bad habits or negative thoughts? Make it a point to seek out people that you can learn from. You will be a better person for it!

3) Learn from your mistakes.
One of the best ways you can learn is to learn from your mistakes. If you are not learning from your mistakes, you are bound to continue making them over and over again. What was the last mistake you made? What can you learn from it? Spend some time thinking about this and writing down your thoughts.

4) Listen to Podcasts.
With the advancements that have taken place in technology, there is no excuse for you to not be learning. Check out the many Podcasts that are available-listen to them. Listen to them on your way to work, as you run errands, as you exercise, etc. There are multiple opportunities for you to learn through this venue.

5) Connect with a mentor/coach.
Are you currently being mentored by someone? Whether it is a friend, someone you look up to, or even a coach, be sure to have someone in your life that will hold you accountable and challenge you in all areas of your life. Make it a priority to meet with them at least once a month either in person or over the phone.

6) What interests you?
Think about those things that really interest you. What is it that you are passionate about? Seek out learning in those areas. When you are learning about your interests, you are much more likely to make your learning a priority.

7) Attend workshops/conferences/seminars.
When was the last time you attended a workshop, conference, and/or seminar? You don’t have to travel far to find learning opportunities through these venues. Check out your local library, they are always offering free learning opportunities. Additionally, many organizations today provide online learning which gives you the opportunity to learn from the comfort of your home.

8) Always ask questions .
Last but not least, always ask questions. Whether you are surrounded by a group of people, or are cuddled up on the couch reading a book-question everything you read, hear, and see. Ask yourself if it lines up with God’s word. The more questions you ask, the more you learn.
Let me challenge you to pick one avenue of learning you plan on pursuing this month. Check out your local library, look into listening to a podcast, head to the bookstore, etc. How will you commit to being a life long learner?

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