Exercise Daily

Exercising-something so beneficial, yet so hard to not only find the time to do, but also the motivation to do. But as women of purpose, it is vital that we make exercising a priority in our daily lives. Believe me-this post is for me also!

Let me explain. Prior to getting married, I exercised all the time! Honestly, I was in the best shape of my life. I was known as the exercise girl! Not only did I look good, but I felt great! Needless to say, once I was married, I turned into a happy little wife and well, exercising took a back seat. Ever since, it has been a struggle. Not only a struggle to get moving, but a struggle to find a spare moment to actually get some kind of physical activity in my day. So, my goal for the week? To begin moving-not only this week, but every week!

Here are some tips that I too am applying in my life:

1) Make it fun-if you are going to make exercising a part of your daily life, you must do something that you enjoy. If you decide to run because everyone else is running, but yet you HATE running, this exercise routine will not last. Ask yourself, what do you enjoy doing?

2) Time-what do you have the time to do? For me, this has been a tough one. When I used to exercise all the time, I enjoyed going to the gym and the reality is, I still do to this day. But with everything else that is on my plate-getting to the gym is no easy task. As a new mommy who works full-time, I try to spend as much time with my son as possible. The last thing I need is to spend even more time away from him. Not to mention that most gym classes take place during the time my son gets his bath and goes to bed. So, with all of these factors, I've come to the conclusion that what is best for me now is to work out from home. Whether it be walking, running, or working on weights from the house, this is what I need to do in this time of my life. Really think about what you do have time for and what will fit into your schedule. If you try to take part in an exercise program that doesn't flow with your schedule, you're likely to fail.

3) Accountability-Do you have someone that can hold you accountable? Do you have someone that you can work out with? Someone who will push you when you don't feel like working out? You are more likely to succeed when you have someone holding you accountable.

Make exercising a priority-I know I will. What will you do this week to incorporate some physical activity into your life? I'll keep you posted on my progress!

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