Your Online Life Purpose Coach

It has been such a pleasure reading your responses to the online poll-What keeps you from working with a Life Purpose Coach? It doesn't surprise me that the majority of responses centered on finances. This is not uncommon. Hiring a Life Purpose Coach is and can be a costly commitment-anywhere from $50-$250 an hour.

Here's some food for thought-

In life, we must choose those things that are important to us. Due to the fact that my husband and I want to spend our money a little more wisely and in turn, save up for those things that we really desire, we have decided to cut back on our eating out. In 2007 we came to realize just how much money we spent on eating out-so much that we could have easily afforded those things that we really wanted. I say all of this because if you truly desire to work with a Life Purpose Coach, think of some ways you can cut back:

-maybe cutting back on that morning coffee that you purchase at Starbucks everyday. At $3.00 a cup for 365 days a year-you would save $1095.00

-cutting back on eating out

-getting rid of cable and instead, spend that TV watching time working with a coach-
Cable costs vary but most likely it's approximately $50 a month-you would save $600 a year if you turned off your cable

-Cutting back on manicures and/or pedicures (this one is so hard for me!!)

-What other extras do you have in your life that you could get rid of (lawn service, cell phone plan, switch to some generic products instead of name brands, etc.)?

While cutting back is good, maybe you still can't afford a Life Purpose Coach because you have debt to pay off. Well, here's the good news-be sure to check this blog often. Consider me your online Life Purpose Coach! I will pose questions that we would work on and speak about if you were to hire me as your Life Purpose Coach. Questions that deal with dreams, purpose, fears, anxieties, goals, mission, vision, etc. As I pose questions, feel free to respond to them both at home in your journal and with me online. If you have a comment or question, let me know. I'll be happy to communicate with you via the blog and email.

So, are you ready for the journey? If so, here are some things you need to do:

1) If you don't have a journal, go purchase one! Designate this journal as your Life Purpose Journal where you will respond to the questions that I will pose on this blog.

2) Set aside time on a daily basis to not only work through the questions, but to also dig into the Word of God and in turn, making sure that you spend consistent time with Him on a daily basis. Talk with him about the questions and your responses. Ask Him to guide you-He will!

3) Check out Coach Jennifer Bennett's blog on a consistent basis! Leave a comment, post a question.

4) Get some of your girlfriends to join in-then, set up some time to meet and discuss your responses together. Hold each other accountable, encourage one another, etc.

Are you ready to begin? If so, here we go! Here are your first set of questions which directly deal with Life Purpose:

* Why are you alive?

* What are you most proud of having accomplished at this point in your life?

* If you were financially able to retire one year from today, what would you begin working on to prepare for that?

I look forward to hearing from you!

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