Are you kidding me American Idol?

Ok, can I just say that I am in shock!! As many of you know, I am an American Idol fan, but due to my schedule being so busy, I have unfortunately, missed the last few episodes. Needless to say, I think I missed the best one-the contestants actually sang, "Shout to the Lord". I'm in shock. As I watched the video below, I have to admit, goosebumps were all over me. Now, the video that is listed below apparently was the first version they sang-the politically correct one-instead of saying "My Jesus, My Savior", they sang, "My Shepherd, My Savior". But, the following evening they followed up with singing the song again and including the name of Jesus.

As I watched I just couldn't help but get goosebumps and you know, I just can't even begin to think what it would be like if every person of our nation actually cried out to God and came together to worship Him. What if our country actually made God the priority. What if TV actually gave God a voice? I just can't even begin to imagine the changes we would see in our nation.

Another thought that came to mind was, gosh, here you have a group of talented individuals. God has given them the talent of singing. What if they used that talent to glorify God and no one else? In all honesty, it breaks my heart to see people who have been gifted with the talent of singing and yet, use it in ways to dishonor God. What if people actually used their gifts, skills, talents, and strengths to glorify God and in turn, use those gifts and skills to make an impact in this world? How different would the world be? Again, I just can't even being to imagine.

Let me leave you with this thought and piece of encouragement-God has gifted you in mighty ways. God has given you specific gifts, skills, talents, and strengths and He desires nothing more than that you would use them to glorify Him-that's why He gave them to you. If you would allow God the opportunity to use your gifts, He will use you in mighty ways. If all of us allowed God to use our make-up the way He wants to-our world would be a changed place. I'm confident of this!

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