Unfailing Love

Everyday I pose either a question or quote to my students in which they have to answer or explain. Today, I posed this question:

Do you have a habit of feeling like you're worth more in God's eyes or other people's eyes, when you're a success? Explain.

I found this to be a very interesting question for not only my students, but also for me. As I discussed this question with the students, I had to really take some time to think about whether or not I feel as though I'm worth more in not only God's eyes but other people's eyes if and only if I am "successful". Sadly, I have to admit that I do feel this way at times; I think we all do.

Many of us (myself included) tend to "get down" on ourselves when we feel as though we have failed at something. We tend to take on the belief system that if we do not do something perfectly, not only will people be disappointed in us, but so will God. The truth of the matter is, God loves us no matter what. His love is not based on how successful we are in life.

Let me share with you a devotion from the devotional book, "Jesus Calling". If you do not have this devotional, let me encourage you to purchase it. It is wonderful! In it, the author has written words of assurance, comfort, and hope as if they are coming straight from the heart of Jesus. May these words encourage you today:

"I LOVE YOU regardless of how well you are performing. Sometimes you feel uneasy, wondering if you are doing enough to be worthy of My Love. No matter how exemplary your behavior, the answer to that question will always be no. Your performance and My Love are totally different issues, which you need to sort out. I love you with an everlasting Love that flows out from eternity without limits or conditions. I have clothed you in My robe of righteousness, and this is an eternal transaction; Nothing and no one can reverse it. Therefore, your accomplishment as a Christian has no bearing on My Love for you. Even your ability to assess how well you are doing on a given day is flawed. Your limited human perspective and the condition of your body, with its mercurial variations, distort your evaluation. Bring your performance anxiety to Me, and receive in its place My unfailing Love. Try to stay conscious of My loving Presence with you in all that you do, and I will direct your steps."

Allow the Lord to direct your steps one day at a time. Give him your best, but rest assured that if things do not turn out as you had planned, God still loves you with an unconditional love, and that's all that matters.


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