Foundational Principles for Career Planning

I think I may have a new addiction. Let me explain. Today is my birthday and my wonderful husband gifted me with something I have wanted for quite some time-an iPod. I can't believe it-I'm actually moving up in the world of technology. I'm fearful that not only will I be addicted to reading blogs, but also my iPod. This thing is amazing-not only can I watch movies and listen to music, but I can listen in to some of my favorite speakers within seconds. I'm just amazed!

Anyway, on to the important stuff. The other day I decided to "test drive" Career Direct which is now offering an online guidance system report for career maximization. I decided to check it out because it is something I am really looking at incorporating for not only students, but adults who come to me wanting clarification on who they are and what they are passionate about.

One of the print-outs I received gives foundational principles for career planning that I thought would be great to share with you. As you continue to seek out God's purpose for your life and how you fit into this world, take these principles to heart:

1) You are uniquely designed by God-you are a unique creation. God made you for a special purpose. Psalm 139:13-14

2) You have been given unique talents for a purpose-God gave each of us unique talents to use, not waste. God has designed each of us with talents and gifts for His service. Romans 12:6-8

3) You must develop those talents for excellence-Develop your talents to the finest and you will stand out from the crowd. You should do your work as if you are actually working for the Lord. Using your talents in work is a form of worship to Him. Proverbs 22:29

4) Work is stage for your higher calling-Let your light shine, so that others will see your good deeds and they will praise your Father in heaven. Work is an excellent place to be a witness. Matthew 5:16

Take joy in where the Lord currently has you. Wake up each day thanking Him for another day of life and another day where you have the opportunity to reach those that He places within your path! You were created for a purpose!


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